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National Anthem

Mama Mangia

Super Moderator
Who ever chose Christina Aguilera to botch up our National Anthem?

What an absolute disgrace - she's up there with Roseanne Barr!:eek:
for the life of me - why don't they have a grammar school chorus sing it instead - it would be nice to see and also nice to know that today's children are still learning it!
I also think that those guys who make millions every game should show a lot more respect for it. I lose more respect for most of them every time the cameral pans over them during the National Anthem. I will never buy a ticket to see a pro game of any kind anymore. If someone wants to pay them a salary that size I refuse to help pay for it. I will PAY to see a High School game or a College game but never a pro game anymore. In the past I have paid to see some pro baseball but never again.
it's so sad to see the lack of respect for our flag, our National Anthem, The Pledge of Allegiance, the fact that they want to eliminate "In God We Trust" from our currency- and the lack of respect people have for others as well as themselves!
I once saw the monthly salary for an Infantrymen in the US Army followed by his job discription which was rather detailed and self sacrificing. The next line said Professional baseball player. 14 million dollars - HITS WHITE BALL WITH STICK. Kinda puts our value system way out of whack I think.