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What Foods Do You Perceive As Over-Rated?


New member
Although we all have personal tastes, it seems as "foodies" sometimes folks expect us to like certain things.

As a former chef, people were often amazed that I don't enjoy wine. (In fact, I seldom drink alcohol, and never drink anything other than water at meal-time.)

Others were surprised to learn that while I have a diverse palette- many supposed "delicasies" aren't tastes that appeal to me at all. For instance I cannot stand caviar, foie gras or raw oysters.

What foods are folks often surprised to learn that YOU don't really like that much?
Funny That You'd Say Caviar Kev, Because Just Before I Read Your Entire Post And Just Read The Thread Title, I Had Immediately Said Caviar! Lol I Am Not Crazy About The Black Caviar As I Have Only Tried It A Few Times. I Can't Say About The Pink Or Red Caviar's As I Have Never Had Them.
Caviar and champagne are both acquired tastes that I've never acquired a taste for. :eek: And you can add truffles to the list. I don't know what the shouting is about that fungus. Fois Gras I can take or leave, and usually leave.

Tripe is another one I think over-rated. I've never had it Italian style, though, so maybe haven't given it a fair test. But every time I've tried it it was merely white leather, IMO.

I'm sure there are others, but can't think of any offhand.
I'm not too big on most shellfish - and there is no way I will eat squid, octopus, etc. Don't like liquor at all - once in a blue moon I use port for one of my cheese balls, and i will use beer for making beer batter - that's it. this is one Italian that cannot stomach the smell of wines.

Bizarre foods - don't even go there.
mama... your dislike of "bizarre foods" reminds me of a funny story. Some buds and I were at "Ivory Jack's" for steaks one night up in Fairbanks, Alaska. Near us there was a four-top, and one of them was this l'il old white-haired lady. These four were eating, drinking and being merry- and they musta polished-off a few bottles of wine because every now and then one of them would get a l'il loud. Not like- rudely loud- just "fun" loud.

Well, they musta ordered the escargots, because when the waitress brought them 2 of the 4 wrinkled-up their noses and went "Ewwwww!" kinda obnoxiously.

Well, these 2 who ordered them kept poking and prodding the other 2 to taste them. They said no-repeatedly- but the other 2 just kept on, and kept on.

Well- I saw a disaster brewing! Pretty soon this l'il old gray haired lady stood up like a huge mama bear and she screamed like a banshee at the top of her lungs: "Don't you ask me to eat those F*@#*ing" snails one more time- what the hell do you think this is- FEAR FACTOR???!!!"

And with that she laid down her napkin and briskly walked off. When the tavern door closed the entire crowd just totally lost it! It was SO HILARIOUS!
Well, I will try just about anything, providing I consider it ethical.

With that being said, I am not a big wine person myself. I like it occasionally but my world would not change much if drinking wine disappeared from the face of the earth. Now I cook with wine all the time, but it is rarely anything expensive.

Caviar, again, I don't care for it either. I think that is one of the few foods out there that's only flavor is the price. People eat it because it is expensive.

Champagne... I must say though, my Uncle stopped by my wedding rehearsal a couple years ago and dropped off a bottle of some cheap champagne, I think it was Martini & Rossi ASTI.. It was actually the best champagne I ever had, and I have had some real expensive stuff in my time. So perhaps I am just not drinking the right kind..
Kev -

They're lucky that is all she did. Not Mama - p.i.s.s. me off and pay the price!

Needle and push enough and I'd shove them right up your nose - or your butt! I wouldn't care who was watching!

Gotta be the dago in me!

BTW - I take a lot before I get to that stage - but once there - you wouldn't want to meet me in a dark alley!
I have never tried champagne but I agree with Jafo about wine. I have tried the cheap and some expensive. I thought they were all bad. I keep a inexpensive bottle of red, white and sherry to cook with. I dont see the fascination with the stuff.
I don't like lobster or sushi but I love shrimp and wine and yea I do like cheap champagne or any kind of asti spumante it is the best. Cookie :)
Sometimes I get a take out tray from the chinese place in town and fill it with sushi and a little cup of wasabi. I love it with some soy sauce lol.

If you wish to try a "sushi" that you might actually like- and if it's the "raw" aspect of sushi that is part of the issue, next time try the "California Roll'. It's actually got nothing uncooked in it. It's cooked crabmeat, cucumbers, avacado, rice and seaweed all wrapped-up. I am not a suchi fan either, but I do like this quite a bit, in fact.
It may be sushi to you big city folks. But 'round heah, we jes call it bait! :p

All the talk about caviar reminds me of when they first tried starting up an American Caviar industry. Instead of sturgeon the idea was to use salmon eggs.

Well, salmon eggs are a major bait for steelhead fishing (and other fishes as well). There are two major ways of prepping it. You either dredge the entire skein in borax to toughen up both the eggs and membrane, or you tie a spoonful of eggs in a square of bridal veil to create a "spawn bag."

Either way there's a lot of handling of the eggs, both in prepping and using.

Given that, does anybody rationally believe that any fisherman, who's had the smell of those eggs on his hands constantaly, is going to actually eat salmon eggs as a delicacy? Just ain't gonna happen.

It's been 15 years or more since I used salmon eggs for bait. And I still can't imagine eating them.
I don't drink alchohol either...think it's way over rated .All the Ads make it look so Hip...cool and refreshing....may be so going down ...but it can bite like a Viper. I know all too well about the dangers of Alchohol. My X husband is an Alchoholic....so is my youngest brother.My little sister was killed by a drunk driver when she was only eight years old.
I agree with Mama....I really have a pet peeve about people that try to push things on me that I know I don't like or would not like.....to each their own....
Well, I have to part ways with you on the Alcohol. I find nothing more relaxing than Saturday night kicking back with a couple of frosty mugs of ice cold beer and watching boxing and/or baseball. The occasional (although lately the occasions are too far and between) night out with the boys can seriously recharge my batteries.

But I agree, it isn't for everyone, and those who drive and do it are idiots. I have seen people who just cannot handle it and it becomes a driving force in their life. Then again, I have seen people completely destroy themselves with food to the point that they cannot get out of bed anymore because they are so large.

Everything in moderation I guess..
Jafo's bit on moderation is indeed THE key. As someone far heavier than he needs to be, I can definitely atest to that. (don't let my avatar fool you- I'm 75-100 lbs. heavier today than in that 10 year old photo!)

I'm all for personal liberites. I would never infringe upon someone's right to drink responsibly- but cross over into my lane on a dark night- if we both live to tell about it, I'm kicking your azz 'til it's purple and aching. Then when it heals I'm doin' it again. And again....... And hurt anyone in my family with your drunkeness? Well, we'll just have to lie to the cops and tell them you died on impact, 'cause you ain't living to file the report of the beating I'm gonna give you. And I ain't a violent guy- never hit a soul in my life- unless you count my brother, growing-up! I never understood how someone's "joy" could be allowed to bring others so much tragedy- as in the case of the terrible events Francie describes. Awful, awful, awful.

Working it kitchens for so many years I don't know how I made it thru without becoming a druggy or alchy... many in the industry do fall victim to indulging, and excessive over-indulging. But somehow I did. I ain't any better than anyone else- just somehow I never was tempted by either- and I thank my Creator for that. Dealing w/ a food addiction is bad enough- I don't think I could handle another monkey on my back like drugs or booze. Ick.
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Jafo and Kevin...I totally agree with you...moderation is the key. In food as well.
Kevin, that California roll sounds really good and I love crab meat and avocado it sounds really good. I agree never drink and drive. I'm trying to cut back and I got back to the health club. I like to eat and cook so I got to move it! Cookie :)
A food that I think is over rated is Frog Legs.......they are really popular here in the South. No way ...No how for me to eat those things ! I really am picky when it comes to food.