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Don't miss out on our recipe collection


In addition to this forum being a place for sharing recipes, we'd like to point out that we've done quite alot of work along the same path. We have a fairly extensive collection of recipes on this web site. You can take a peak at them by browsing over our free recipe collection.

We've tried to keep the collection of recipes focused on cooking with herbs and spices. Although, if we came across something we really like, it's in there.

Happy cooking!
That's quite a supply a recipes you got there. I'm heading over to take a gander at them now ...
Nice selection!

One suggestion though: I hope there are pictures accompanying the recipes.

I prefer to see pictures along with the recipes. I like seeing how the dish is "supposed to look", especially the more complicated ones so I can gauge if I'm on the right track or if did it correctly. :)

My two cents. But nice work, though. :)
Nice, thanks so much. I'm sure we will all get lots of use out of those.