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Recipes in magazines



Do you guys/gals use recipes from magazines? Which ones? And what if you're in a place like a doctor's office and the magazine doesn't belong to you? Do you rip it out and take it home?
I am COMPLETELY guilty of this. It is terrible, I know. But I usually end up making the meal over and over again, so I rationalize that it wasn't torn out of the mag in vain! :p

Actually, more often than not, I end up getting a subscription to the magazine because I love the recipes so much...Southern Living and that new Martha Stewart Food (everyday food) magazine, in particular.
I do use some from magazines. We get Cooking Light, so I try a few a mont from there. New ripped one out though, but then again never seen one I wanted :p
I'm guilty of pulling out my cell phone and either reading off the ingredients and taping them, taking a picture, or using the notepad to copy down the recipe. Everyone seems to be watching me when I feel the need to rip one out of the magazine. *laughs*

Gonna have to look for some of the magazines you've suggested.
I use recipes from Cooking Light the most. If it's a mag at a dr.'s office i'll ask if i can tear out a page and usually they say 'ok' or if not i can look it up online later. i put magazine recipes in clearl iners in a binder so they don't get ruined when i cook with them and they're more organized that way.
I don't rip them out if they are not mine... I'd feel to guilty.
lol... guilt moves me in great ways.

I get TASTE OF HOME and use it a lot.
I don't rip them out; I just look them up online later and print them. I like to keep my recipes printed in a binder anyway.
I smiled when I read the topic. It's because I always do this. I mean not the ripping part but I always try to check magazines for interesting recipes. I usually use magazines like Good Housekeeping and Architectural Digest<--I'm not sure if this is it.
I do use some recipes from magazines like good housekeeping or family circle sometimes if I think that they look good and that my family will like them.
I also use from magazines. I usually get Sunset, cooking light, and Rachel Rays new magazine. I don't really rip them out from the doctors offices or anything. I have copied them done before.
I get the magazine taste of home and I just love it. My Mom turned me on to it.
I work for a group of orthopaedic surgeons and have patients ask me to copy recipes all the time.
I get a magazine called Sunset and they have great recipes. I would never rip a recipe out of a magazine that does not belong to me. I would write down the magazine name and recipe name and then go online to find the recipe.
Usually, the recipes I find in magazines are to expensive for my taste. I am an overly frugal shopper/cook. I do like to look though, because sometimes I can change the recipe a bit to make it less expensive, or it will give me an idea for something completely different.
I get some out of Self & also Fitness - they're healthy & have all the nutrition info & I'm trying to lose weight. & Ya, I will rip it out if I really want it ;) but only if I know I'll use it.