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Roman Sauce


New member
Roman Sauce (Salsa Agro-dolce)
Ingredients: Espagnole sauce, stock, burnt sugar, vinegar,
raisins, pine nuts or almonds.
Mix two spoonsful of burnt sugar with one of vinegar, and dilute
with a little good stock. Then add two cups of Espagnole sauce,
a few stoned raisins, and a few pinocchi* (pine nuts) or
shredded almonds. Keep this hot in a bain-marie, and serve with
cutlets, calf's head or feet or tongue.
*The pinocchi which Italians use instead of almonds can be bought
in London when in season.
Roman Sauce (another way)
Ingredients: Espagnole sauce, an onion, butter, flour, lemon, herbs, nutmeg, raisins, pine nuts or almonds, burnt sugar.
Cut up a small bit of onion, fry it slightly in butter and a little flour, add the juice of a lemon and a little of the peel grated, a bouquet of herbs, a pinch of nutmeg, a few stoned raisins, shredded almonds or pinocchi, and a tablespoonful of burnt sugar. Add this to a good Espagnole, and warm it up in a bain-marie.​