 Posted By: Mama Mangia 
Jul 20  # 1 of 1

14 1/2 ounces Package white Angel
Food cake mix
1 Quart strawberry ice cream
Softened and divided
1 pinch Chocolate ice cream -- softened
Whipped cream frosting--see
For whipped cream frosting
1/4 cup Slivered almonds -- toasted
Chocolate leaves (optional)

Prepare and bake cake mix according to package directions, using a 10-inch tube pan. Invert pan on funnel or bottle until cake is completely cooled (approximately 2 hours).Loosen cake from sides of pan using a narrow metal spatula. Remove from pan; then split cake horizontally into 4 layers. Place bottom layer of cake on a cake plate and spread with half of strawberry ice cream; freeze. Add second cake layer, and spread with chocolate ice cream; freeze. Add third cake layer, and spread with remaining strawberry ice cream; freeze. Place remaining layer, cut side down, on top of cake. Cover and freeze cake several hours. Spread Whipped Cream Frosting on top and sides of cake. Sprinkle with almonds. Garnish with chocolate leaves, if desired. Yield: one 10-inch cake.