I checked eHow and this is what they said:
Step 1. Take your lettuce and break it apart. Wash it and shake the excess water off the leaves.
Step 2. Now you need to wrap paper towels around the bundle of clean lettuce leaves and enclose them in a plastic bag. I used a plastic grocery bag and tied the handles closed.
Step 3. Place the bag of lettuce in your vegetable drawer in the refrigerator. It may take some time to freshen up the lettuce. I let mine stay that way overnight and it was perfect for my salad the next day!
Step 4. This is a great way to keep lettuce fresh longer too by storing it this way right after purchasing.
I always use this method and it really works. Another thing to try with wilted lettuce though is Peruvian Aji sauce. Try it with roasted meats. I went to a Peruvian restaurant in Chicago recently with some friends. We tried several items on the menu and this sauce was the best!
Aji Verde
For several dipping bowls of sauce, you'll need:
1 avocado
1 cup of lettuce
1 Tbls cilantro
As many chili peppers as you can stand. The recipe generally calls for about 3 jalapenos.
1 clove of garlic
Salt to taste, about 1/2 tsp to start
Olive oil, about 1/4 cup to start
Mayonnaise, about 3 tblsp to start (Substitute with oil and blend until it becomes creamy if you want to keep this more authentic.)
1/2 cup water
Optional: Freshly squeezed lemon juice or white wine vinegar if you want a bit of tang.
Halve and de-seed the chili peppers. Make sure you wear gloves or thoroughly wash your hands afterward. And don't rub your eyes!
Puree all the ingredients in a blender, food processor, or hand immersion blender. It's like making pesto, start with the basic portions and adjust according to your taste. What worked for me was roughly those amounts. Add mayonnaise for creaminess. You can add water too if the sauce appears too thick. I've seen some recipes that called for white cheese or nuts, but felt those were too strong in taste since the versions of aji sauce that I've liked were light in flavor, with just an undertone of spiciness.
Serve with bread for dipping.