 Posted By: spiceplace 
Sep 26  # 1 of 1
1/2 cup Ketchup
1/4 cup Chili Sauce
1 1/2 tsp A-1 Sauce
1/2 Worcestershire Sauce
2 drops Tabasco Sauce
1/2 cup Finely Chopped Sweet Pickle
1 1/2 cups Mayonnaise

Mix together:
Ketchup, Chili Sauce, A-1 Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce and Tabasco Sauce.

Blend in:
Finely chopped pickle.

Stir in mayonnaise. Keep covered in refrigerator until ready to use.

Tips: When assembling the Big Mac, use finely shredded lettuce to get the proper texture. Top with a few pickle chips and cheese. Use an extra bin bottom for the middle piece of bread. Lightly toast all three pieces of bun.