Ark. family learns the hard way gar eggs are toxic - U.S. news-
HEBER SPRINGS, Ark. - Take it from Darwin Aaron and his family in Cleburne County: gar eggs are poisonous. Tiffany Aaron said her husband . . . took a long-nosed gar while spearfishing . . . Gar meat is edible, so they figured they'd try the roe.
Carson was the first to start vomiting . . .
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said eggs from all gar species are highly toxic.
HEBER SPRINGS, Ark. - Take it from Darwin Aaron and his family in Cleburne County: gar eggs are poisonous. Tiffany Aaron said her husband . . . took a long-nosed gar while spearfishing . . . Gar meat is edible, so they figured they'd try the roe.
Carson was the first to start vomiting . . .
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said eggs from all gar species are highly toxic.