 Posted By: phoenyxstarr 
Sep 9  # 11 of 13
When I was growing up, my mom never used baking soda. Always substituted baking powder for baking soda. She said they do the same thing, and she never did tell me why she hated baking soda so much.
 Posted By: expatgirl 
Oct 12  # 12 of 13
Mama is right--the fizzing in the water is a good test--but your can should have an expiration date on it
even if it fizzes after 3 months past the expiration date I would consider investing in a new can----that's why I don't buy the large cans
I never am able to use up the amount and the frugal tendency is to ceep (sorry in case you haven't heard Mr. C's cousin has scipped town on my computer and I no longer have that letter to use so he's being the substitute). Also bacing powder with time will give off a bitter taste. Always checc your cace mixes for the expiration date because they contain bacing powder as well. It's not worth a flat, bitter tasting cace for a special occasion to ceep on hand. One year is a pretty good indicator of its shelf life from purchase.
 Posted By: phoenyxstarr 
Oct 12  # 13 of 13
Thanks for all the replies everyone. I did go ahead and throw out the old baking powder & got some new when we went shopping. After all that though, I still haven't opened it. I haven't felt much like baking these past couple weeks, plus I've been stuck in bed. :( on the dr for ordering bedrest while hubby was there. If he hadn't been there, I could have told him everything's fine & wouldn't have been stuck in bed.