 Posted By: alice.b.toklas 
Sep 23  # 11 of 19
Is scrapple that bad? You can find worse things for sale at Wal*Mart, like sweet bread, beef tongue, liver, etc. Point is, if the Walton's sell it, that means people buy it.
 Posted By: rt49andellis 
Sep 24  # 12 of 19
Ok, what's sweet bread? Something about it sounds wonderful. LOL But I'm guessing you're gonna tell me it's actually ground up piggy in bread.
 Posted By: Mama Mangia 
Sep 24  # 13 of 19
rt49 - you got me laughing!!!!

In my house you will always find SWEET BREADS -- yeast cakes that are yummy for the tummy, etc.

But as far as SWEETBREADS (no space) - you won't find those in my house.
Enjoy reading this: Sweetbread is the name of a dish made of the thymus (neck/throat/gullet sweetbread) or the pancreas (belly/stomach/heart sweetbread) or genitalia of an animal younger than one year old. These animals are usually piglets or calves. However, llamas may also be preferred.

The two organs have very different biological functions, but look fairly similar and so are considered, for the purpose of cooking, to be comparable. Thymus sweetbreads are slightly longer and more irregular, with pancreas sweetbreads being larger and more rounded. To connoisseurs, the pancreas sweetbreads are the "real deal", whereas the throat variety are sometimes shunned.

Sweetbread is highly perishable and is considered a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Sweetbreads are simple to prepare and cook. Preparation is usually by boiling for a time, after which the fatty sinew is removed carefully without breaking the sweetbreads up. Unlike kidneys which require salting and soaking, sweetbread is simply seasoned and fried, with a knob of butter to finish. Often sweetbreads are crumbed, deep fried, and served with a slice of lemon.

I hope you havent' just eaten!!!

I know you are not brave enough to eat those - not after you clucked about pork in scrapple!!!! Geez - good ol' fashioned pork and you BAWKED!

 Posted By: Mama Mangia 
Sep 24  # 14 of 19
PS - I wish I could see your face while you're reading this!!!!
 Posted By: alice.b.toklas 
Sep 24  # 15 of 19
Mama - My point exactly and sold at Wal*Mart. So people must want this stuff. Personally, I like scrapple. Now I wouldn't eat it everday, but it does taste nice.